Southern Baptist sex summit opens with frank talk

It was apparent no topic would be verboten in a three-day Southern Baptist Convention summit on sex from the first three minutes of the first speaker, The Tennessean reports. The reason the event is needed, said Phillip Bethancourt, executive vice president of the denomination’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, was demonstrated by a Little Leaguer he heard of who started explaining to a teammate how two men can have sex. FOR MORE: Southern Baptist sex summit opens with frank talk. Continue reading Southern Baptist sex summit opens with frank talk

Author says God is love, but not nice

“Perhaps faith is really about pursuing God in the midst of uncertainty.”   By JASON REYNOLDS Tennessee Christian News NASHVILLE – “God is not nice.” Those are not exactly words you would expect to hear from a Christian, much less a discipleship pastor. They make for a great opening, however, for a book exploring God’s confusing and often disappointing actions in a sin-sick world. Heather Zempel wrestles with God’s seemingly contradictory nature in “Amazed and Confused: When God’s Actions Collide With Our Expectations.” Zempel is discipleship pastor at National Community Church in Washington, D.C. Thomas Nelson Publishers officially launched the … Continue reading Author says God is love, but not nice

Salvation Bell to ring in every Tennessee county in call for revival

By JASON REYNOLDS Tennessee Christian News The head of the Tennessee Baptist Convention is traveling the state ringing a bell calling for a spiritual awakening. Randy C. Davis, executive director/treasurer of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, will appear in a rally at the Bedford County Courthouse on Monday, April 14, at 9 a.m Central. The appearance is part of the “Salvation Bell” tour in which Davis is visiting every county seat in Tennessee to lead a prayer rally. Representatives from local Baptist churches and county and city public officials are invited to each prayer rally. Davis has worked with the Tennessee … Continue reading Salvation Bell to ring in every Tennessee county in call for revival

‘No Cape Required’: Follow Jesus with help of Superman, Jane Eyre, other fictional characters

By JASON REYNOLDS Tennessee Christian News NASHVILLE — A devotional from Nelson Books connects readers with Jesus with a little help from Spider-Man, Capt. James T. Kirk and Jane Eyre. “No Cape Required: 52 Ways to Unleash Your Inner Hero” provides one devotional for each week using a portion of Scripture, a fictional hero’s anecdote, and a guide for prayer and taking action. Kristen Parrish, editor-in-chief of Nelson books, is the author of “No Cape Required.” The book was released in December and is available for  $15.99 from bookstores and in e-book format. Nelson Books is an imprint of Thomas … Continue reading ‘No Cape Required’: Follow Jesus with help of Superman, Jane Eyre, other fictional characters

World Day of Prayer celebrated

World Day of Prayer was celebrated Friday, March 7 in Shelbyville, Tenn., as it was in many areas around the world. Christian Women United hosted the program in Shelbyville at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The women held an Egyptian Christian-themed program titled “Streams in the Desert.”   Continue reading World Day of Prayer celebrated

What is Ash Wednesday?

From Wikipedia: Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in the Western Christian calendar, directly following Shrove Tuesday. Occurring 46 days before Easter, it is a moveable feast that can fall as early as February 4 and as late as March 10. Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert, where he endured temptation by Satan. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this 40-day liturgical period of prayer and fasting or abstinence. Of the 46 days until Easter, six are Sundays. As the Christian sabbath, Sundays are not included in the fasting period and are instead “feast” days during … Continue reading What is Ash Wednesday?

The Jesus Film evangelizes in US theaters; coming April 1 to DVD

By JASON REYNOLDS Tennessee Christian News NASHVILLE – The “Jesus Film,” an iconic missionary and evangelistic movie, is coming soon to a theater near you, in a totally restored high definition format. The film was first released 35 years ago, but saw limited distribution in the United States, said Josh Newell of “The Jesus Film” Project. It is a two-hour docudrama about the life of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke. The film has been seen in every country of the world. Newell spoke to Tennessee Christian News recently in Nashville at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. The movie … Continue reading The Jesus Film evangelizes in US theaters; coming April 1 to DVD

World Day of Prayer for women is March 7

This announcement is from Shelbyville: Church Women United will celebrate World Day of Prayer with a program titled “Streams in the Desert.” World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women who come together to observe a common day of prayer on the first Friday of March. This years event will be hosted by First Christian Church, Madison Street on Friday, March 7,2014 at 1:30 P.M. We invite all women of the community to join. World Day of Prayer USA promotes justice and equality for women through prayer, partnerships, service and celebration, according to the movement’s website: Continue reading World Day of Prayer for women is March 7

Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada share the key to a long marriage

By JASON REYNOLDS Tennessee Christian News NASHVILLE – “Joni & Ken – An Untold Love Story” is appropriately named. Joni Eareckson and Ken Tada released the book last year detailing the nuts and bolts details that it takes to keep a marriage alive for 30 years. That’s 30 years in a nation where more than half of marriages end in divorce – and that’s not even marriages where one spouse is quadriplegic. The Tadas spoke to Tennessee Christian News on Saturday, Feb. 22, during the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, #NRB14. It comes down to this: God’s grace. “Marriage … Continue reading Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada share the key to a long marriage

Ten Commandments for your marriage

By JASON REYNOLDS Tennessee Christian News NASHVILLE — Have you ever thought of comparing marriage to The Ten Commandments? You should, according to a pastor. Dr. Tony Hart, senior pastor of Montco Bible Fellowship in Pennsylvania, makes the connection in his book “2 Tablets For Your Marriage” from Gospel Folio Press. The book was released last May. Hart spoke to Tennessee Christian News this past weekend at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, #NRB14. The first two Commandments deal with idolatry: having no other gods and making no idols. “We should be walking, talking billboards for what the love relationship looks … Continue reading Ten Commandments for your marriage