Like Most People, President Obama Gets The Crusades Wrong

In light of President Obama’s recent remarks comparing the brutality of the Islamic State to the Crusades, it might be time to take a fresh look at those events, according to The Federalist. Were they really the one-sided Dark Ages barbarism we have been taught? Were they an early manifestation of Western imperialism and global conquest? Greg Scandlen for The Federalist writes about the history of the Crusades and how they were in response to the Islamic takeover of the Byzantine Empire, Persia, most of Spain and parts of Italy and France. He also writes about the way conquered people … Continue reading Like Most People, President Obama Gets The Crusades Wrong

Huffington Post links Paris attacks to climate change

Huffington Post column: “Our first response should be to understand this psychological tactic, so that we don’t allow them to win. No, we do not have to be guilt-tripped into fighting these barbaric groups that slit throats, rape, torture and kill innocent civilians in the most cowardly ways possible. No, our values are strong enough to refuse to sink to their level, and instead, to turn towards reinforcing national unity against their aggression. No, we do not doubt that enlightenment and democratic progress are strong enough to stand up to such behavior, which is sending us back to prehistoric times. … Continue reading Huffington Post links Paris attacks to climate change

Vatican Turns on Israel: ‘GIVE UP NUKES’ and Welcomes Iran Deal

The Vatican knows full well that Iran will use the nuclear deal to build more nuclear weapons, not less and that this deal ensures a world war and bloodshed, Red Flag Watch reports. Then they put the blame on Israel for having nukes to defend herself. It’s reprehensible. These people aren’t stupid – they have a different agenda than we do. We can no longer trust or believe any of our leaders and that certainly includes Pope Francis. His message next week will include climate change promotion, an open borders endorsement, the evils of capitalism and the goodness of socialism, … Continue reading Vatican Turns on Israel: ‘GIVE UP NUKES’ and Welcomes Iran Deal

Obama’s Statement to Muslims After Chattanooga Shooting Will Make You Physically Ill Continue reading Obama’s Statement to Muslims After Chattanooga Shooting Will Make You Physically Ill

President Obama equates ISIS with Crusades

Franklin Graham posted this on Facebook today: Today at the National Prayer Breakfast, the President implied that what ISIS is doing is equivalent to what happened over 1000 years ago during the Crusades and the Inquisition. Mr. President–Many people in history have used the name of Jesus Christ to accomplish evil things for their own desires. But Jesus taught peace, love and forgiveness. He came to give His life for the sins of mankind, not to take life. Mohammad on the contrary was a warrior and killed many innocent people. True followers of Christ emulate Christ—true followers of Mohammed emulate … Continue reading President Obama equates ISIS with Crusades